
Frank Gehry

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Innovation Ecosystems

Frank Gehry - Disney Concert Hall by Julius Shulman and Juergen Nogai

Frank Gehry - Disney Concert Hall by Julius Shulman and Juergen Nogai

When Frank Gehry was designing the Disney Concert Hall, he considered how the building would interact with the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion adjacent and adjusted the design accordingly. I recently came across a comment in the Financial Times in an article by Ron Adner that cemented the sentiment behind this in my mind. It’s not enough to simply manage your innovation, you must manage your ‘innovation ecosystem’ also. Essentially it’s all to easy to focus on the outcome of what you are trying to produce and forget to consider how it interacts with people and the world around it.

In his book, Ron Adner examines this phenomenon that causes many companies to fail “because they focus too intensely on their own innovations, and then neglect the innovation ecosystems on which their success depends.”  This single minded execution focus is inward looking, involving the standard processes of linking strategy and operations, bringing teams together, looking at competitors and their value propositions. It is seen as good business practice, which it is, however it can create a blind spot that hides key dependencies that are equally important in determining success or failure. As technology causes our world to become increasingly connected and interdependent, this problem becomes exacerbated. For example with much of the marketing content we produce we now need to consider, how will people be viewing the content, where will they be, how will they share it, who will they share it with and most importantly how will they know it is there.

Obviously completing the project is still the core focus however Ron Adner suggests two other areas to consider to help take a broader view of the innovation ecosystem. Firstly, consider who else may need to innovate to activate your product. This has two sides, one the business side, in terms of production and delivery of the product and two, the consumer side in terms of using the product. For example with mobile advertising, to truly make the most of what you are creating you may require significant smart phone penetration or upgrades in mobile phone handsets. Secondly look at who else needs to adopt the product to deliver it to the end user, who do you need to sell it in to and who needs to support it to deliver it to market. This naturally has more of a business focus, however with many digital innovations these days, there is an element of connectivity and sharing, which may mean you require a critical mass of a few key influencers adopting the product before its value is fully realised.

Innovation Ecosystem

Innovation Ecosystem

It’s easy to fall into the trap of execution focus, especially when we are faced with tight deadlines. However I think the take out here is that, taking a moment to consider a broader view and looking at the entire ecosystem rather than simply what needs to be done to complete the project may change how you approach things. It may change how you choose to bring it to market or what you prioritise in terms of the product features. It may even help you to identify new opportunities or threats and adjust how you measure the success of the project. This isn’t a new idea, but it’s one that’s important to remind ourselves of.


Reference: The Wide Lens: A New Strategy for Innovation by Ron Adner

Technologies Impact on Creativity

New York by Frank Gehry

The building pictured to the left is a recently opened skyscraper called New York by Frank Gehry. I think it is the perfect real world example of technology meeting creativity, plus I just think it’s beautiful.

I think the definition of what we consider creativity is changing, morphing to include functional aspects. In terms of advertising, how users will interact with a campaign, on which devices, at what time are all just as valid creative aspects as what colour the typeface will be. Many people may see technology as negatively impacting creativity in advertising as the proliferation of people becoming “connected” through PCs, tablets, mobile and social networks drive campaigns that have just as much to do with functionality as they do the big beautiful idea. However, I think it’s actually creating an environment that not only encourages creativity but actually means that it’s more effective.

I believe creative work now more than ever equals effective work. Previously a creative campaign would run it’s course through the paid broadcast media channels and fade away, only leaving word of mouth behind. Now, if people watch something they enjoy on one of their connected devices or with one present, they can then share the experience with their friend network and create discussions around it. Not only that but it lives on as a permanently available record on the internet.

Technology (being connected) & social networks amplify the message of creative campaigns, if people are interested in the content enough to spread it throughout their networks.

Moreover, technology has created an environment which empowers people as content seekers, distributors and creators. We’ll search out and only engage with what we wan’t to, whereas previously we obediantly consumed content that was broadcast to us (because we didn’t have a choice). In this new environment if what we create as advertisors isn’t creative and engaging, more and more we will just get ignored and passed by as people get used to accessing only the content they are after. Television broadcasters are dealing with this issue currently with time shifted viewing, newspapers are being replaced by daily updates on news websites and people are using iPods in the car to listen to music rather than radio. So what do we need to do as advertisors to continue to be relevant to people:

Be Interesting: Lets deliver information and content that is revelant to the person who is experiencing it at the time, whether it’s a price on a product they are seeking out or an amusing video to kill a couple of minutes at the office. Let’s deliver content that is easy and enjoyable to experience for everyone no matter where they want to access it, whether it’s from their mobile, tablet, PC or letterbox.

Do Stuff Rather Than Say Stuff: Look to create things as well as ads. Create utility. Allow people to access the interesting content on their terms.

Experiment: Maybe good enough is good enough. Lets be agile and iterate, operating more like a tech start up than a typical agency. Work together in cross disciplinary teams. Gareth Kay also made the suggestion of putting a percentage of the marketing budget directly towards R&D.

Why can’t the next Facebook/Twitter/Instagram be started within an agency?
